-- ************************************************************************************************* -- Your personal settings can be stored in 'user.cfg' so that they don't create -- any conflicts for version control -- ************************************************************************************************* -- Shaders are compiled in parallel in precache mode r_ShadersAsyncCompiling = 3 sys_float_exceptions = 0 -- temporary solution to prevent crashes when some DBA was relocated during defragmentation ca_MemoryDefragEnabled = 0 -- fixed missing grass e_MergedMeshesOutdoorOnly = 1 -- temporarily doubled the amount of time per frame to speedup lod switching e_StreamPredictionUpdateTimeSlice = 0.6 -------- -- Sound and music -- Our implementation of ATL for FMOD Studio s_AudioSystemImplementationName = CryAudioImplFmod wh_sequence_fmod_event_name = "event:/music/music" wh_snd_audio_xmls_dir = "/libs/gameaudio/" --wh_sequence_music_path = "Music/kcd/" --wh_sequence_main_widsh_file = "kcd.widsh" -- Fallback is: -- s_AudioSystemImplementationName = CryAudioImplFmodEx wh_s_OcclusionRayEnabled = 1 -- lower and upper treshold of z_axis_diff parameter wh_snd_z_axis_diff_lower = 2 wh_snd_z_axis_diff_upper = 4 ------------------------------------------------------------- -- WARHORSE -- Sets the sample character as the default model that automatically loads in Character Editor ca_CharEditModel="Objects/characters/humans/skeleton/male.cdf" -- 3PointLight r_DeferredShading3PL = 3 r_3PLGradientAngle = 0 r_3PLGradientEnd = 0.4 r_3PLAverageIlluminanceAttenuationMin = 0.0015 r_3PLAverageIlluminanceMultiplier = 0.4 r_3PLMaxRelativeIlluminanceRatio = 1 r_3PLFillDirStr = "0,-5,-125" r_3PLKeyDirStr = "0,0,90" r_3PLRimDirStr = "0,15,-55" -- HDR r_HDREyeAdaptationMode = 1 r_HDREyeAdaptationSpeed = 3 -- SVOTI e_svoTI_MinVoxelOpacity = 0.01 e_svoTI_VegetationMaxOpacity = 1 e_svoTI_SunGIMultiplierWH = 0.8 e_svoTI_VoxelizeUnderTerrain = 1 -- light entities are more infused to fog /was 0.4 before/ r_VolumetricFogMinimumLightBulbSize = 2 -- TBa: switch to 3 until KCD2-208226 is resolved e_svoTI_GsmCascadeLod = 3 e_SunElevationClamp = 20 e_SunAngleSnapSec = 0.9 -- Svoti diffuse controled by ToD, not probes (done by LukasHosek) wh_e_svoTI_UseProbe = 0 -- env probe resolution wh_r_ProbeCubemapTexSize=128 -- SSDO settings r_ssdoAmountAmbient = 2 r_ssdoAmountDirect = 0.7 r_ssdoAmountReflection = 4 r_ssdoRadius = 0.1 r_ssdoSecondaryBandRadius = 15 r_ssdoRadiusMax = 0.3 r_ssdoRadiusMin = 0.015 r_ssdoColorBleeding = 0.8 -- times for probe baking wh_r_DynamicLightTimes = 3,4,4:45,5:45,7,13,19,20:15,21:15,22,23 -- switch manual ShadowCascades bias to autoBias (by Boza buddy JH) -- 1.3 looks like a good compromise, 1.4 is also ok, 2 and more remove majority of small shadows e_ShadowsAutoBias = 1.3 r_SSReflCutoff = 0.5 -- enable area lights r_DeferredShadingAreaLights = 1 -- minimum light fadeout (Boza, buddy Lukas H.) e_LightIlluminanceThreshold = 0.00025 --detail shadows e_ShadowsPerObject = 0 --near fog culling r_fogDepthTest = -0.001 -- value determining the rain intensity wh_env_CloudDensitySaturationValue = 10 --Uberlods wh_r_UberlodRatio = 3 wh_r_UberlodMode = 0 --Rain - all rain settings were moved to Engine\Config\CVarGroups\sys_spec_GameEffects.cfg --player stands up when water level reaches this hight wh_player_DeepWaterLevel =0.85 -- Using MNM ai_useMNM = 1 -- Disable extra solid collider (for non-pushable characters like horse) ac_enableExtraSolidCollider = 0 -- Turning off horse collision avoidance by default wh_horse_CollisionAvoidance = 0 -- Fix for "WH Comment" (flash based 3D text entity) r_DynTexSourceUseSharedRT = 0 -- Facial expressions sampling (by Mikee) ca_FacialAnimationFramerate = 60 -- avoidance radius ai_ExtraAvoidanceRadius = 0 ai_ExtraActorAvoidanceRadius = 0 -- missing eyes fix (including Neuhof) ca_attachmentcullingration = 1000 -- shadercache log is not saved to *.cry file while saving level. (shadercache log is uded by offline shadercache generator. We have to re-enable it before building the final game) wh_sys_DontSaveShadercacheLog = 1 wh_ed_SkipPostLoadMNMRebuild = 1 wh_dirtSystem = 1 wh_ui_CopyrightMsgLeft = "" wh_ui_CopyrightMsgRight = "" ac_enableProceduralLeaning = 0 -- periodic updates of the shadows cache (every 10sec) for correct shadows e_ShadowsCacheUpdate = 2 e_ShadowsCacheInterval = 10 -- disable collisions between (living and living) and (living and rigid) entities ac_disableLivingVsLivingCollisions = 1 ac_disableLivingVsRigidCollisions = 1 -- merged meshes e_MergedMeshesLodRatio = 1 e_MergedMeshesInstanceDist = 1 -- max time delta (our Timer.cpp change will apply this even to scaled framtime) p_max_world_step = 0.25 t_MaxStep = 0.25 -- we can't solve a sync file access in game right now sys_PakLogInvalidFileAccess = 0 sys_PakMessageInvalidFileAccess = 0 -- Increased the streaming memory budget by 100% from KCD1 to 20MB sys_streaming_memory_budget = 20480 wh_sys_version = "1.1.1" sys_flash_address_space = 65536 -- AI root dir wh_ai_DataFolder = "AI/" -- Proxy entity for player scheduler linking wh_ai_PlayerSchedulerProxy = "playerProxy" wh_ai_PlayerHorseSchedulerProxy = "playerHorseProxy" -- Prefab filter wh_ed_PrefabTagHideFilter = ignore -- Dedicated render thread in editor wh_r_multithreadedEditor = 1 r_EnableNvidiaAftermath = 1 r_EnableNvidiaAftermathShaderDumps = 1 r_MotionBlurShutterSpeed = 200 -- C R I M E -- ai msg peak optimalizace wh_ai_MessagePeakPeakLimit = 800 -- this crashes too much >:[[[ wh_ai_perception_perceived_states_parallel_update = 0 wh_ai_hearing_parallelUpdate = 0 wh_rpg_ActorIlluminanceIntervalEndpoints = 0.001 0.01 0.02 0.04 0.5 2 -- Caravans tuning wh_cart_CaravanMinFrontDist = 11 wh_cart_CaravanMaxBackDist = 14