Colorscheme referrences from.: * Clan Jade Falcon Turkina Keshik colors are turquoise green with lime green highlights. A gold pearl glaze is then applied, changing the green aspect in varied lighting. * Clan Wolf Delta Galaxy paints their machines in a lowland camouflage. The bottom half is predominantly gray and the top half is a dark tan with random brown triangles. * Clan Ghost Bear Alpha Galaxy uses charcoal greys, blended with a blue camo pattern and white dotting. * Clan Steel Viper Alpha Galaxy warriors display a bold steel-grey and blood-red striped scheme on their equipment. * Clan Goliath Scorpion paints their machines black with orange and red highlights resembling molten lava. * Clan Smoke Jaguar Alpha Galaxy uses a flat gray paint scheme with jaguar spots. * Clan Star Adder war machines are painted black and deep blue. The textures were made by =CMO=Sturm. Email and questions or comments to: Enjoy!