Welcome to WorldWorks ninth release "Chunky Dungeons 1.5"" 1.To view these files you must first install Acrobat Reader at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html Adobe Acrobat. 2.Double click the "Beginners Guide" and review our list of required methods and materials. You can also access full video tutorials via our website at: http://www.worldworksgames.com 3.Start with the folder called "Pro Masterboard" to get a better sense of how this model set goes together. You can then access, view, print and build the various models offered in the "Chunky Dungeons" model set. If you have any problems please dont hesitate to get in touch. Happy Folding! Denny Unger Owner/Creator www.worldworksgames.com Mail: denunger@worldworksgames.com