SKSE64 runtime: initialize (version = 2.0.20 01050610 01D8CD883956069F, os = 6.2 (9200)) imagebase = 00007FF756810000 reloc mgr imagebase = 00007FF756810000 config path = F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\skse.ini plugin directory = F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\ checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\ActorBasePerkFix.dll plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\ActorBasePerkFix.dll (00000001 Actor Base Perk Fix 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 1) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\AHZmoreHUDInventory.dll registering plugin listener for SKSE at 2 of 3 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\AHZmoreHUDInventory.dll (00000001 Ahzaab's moreHUD Inventory Plugin 00002721) loaded correctly (handle 2) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\AHZmoreHUDPlugin.dll plugin 3 allocated 64 bytes from branch pool registering plugin listener for SKSE at 3 of 4 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\AHZmoreHUDPlugin.dll (00000001 Ahzaab's moreHUD Plugin 003D0905) loaded correctly (handle 3) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\BetterJumpingSE.dll plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\BetterJumpingSE.dll (00000001 BetterJumpingSE 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 4) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\BetterThirdPersonSelection.dll plugin 5 allocated 256 bytes from branch pool registering plugin listener for SKSE at 5 of 6 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\BetterThirdPersonSelection.dll (00000001 BetterThirdPersonSelection 00000000) loaded correctly (handle 5) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\ClassicSprinting.dll registering plugin listener for SKSE at 6 of 7 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\ClassicSprinting.dll (00000001 Classic Sprinting Redone 00000002) loaded correctly (handle 6) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\CombatMusicFix.dll registering plugin listener for SKSE at 7 of 8 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\CombatMusicFix.dll (00000001 CombatMusicFix 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 7) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\DifficultyBalance.dll plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\DifficultyBalance.dll (00000001 DifficultyBalance 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 8) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\DisableFollowerCollision.dll plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\DisableFollowerCollision.dll (00000001 DisableFollowerCollision 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 9) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\DisplayEnemyLevel.dll registering plugin listener for SKSE at 10 of 11 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\DisplayEnemyLevel.dll (00000001 DisplayEnemyLevel 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 10) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\DynamicAnimationReplacer.dll registering plugin listener for SKSE at 11 of 12 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\DynamicAnimationReplacer.dll (00000001 DynamicAnimationReplacer 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 11) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\EnchantmentReloadFixSE.dll plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\EnchantmentReloadFixSE.dll (00000001 EnchantReloadFix Plugin 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 12) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\EngineFixes.dll registering plugin listener for SKSE at 13 of 14 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\EngineFixes.dll (00000001 EngineFixes plugin 00000005) loaded correctly (handle 13) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\EquipmentDurability.dll registering plugin listener for SKSE at 14 of 15 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\EquipmentDurability.dll (00000001 EquipmentDurability 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 14) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\FaceGenFixes.dll plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\FaceGenFixes.dll (00000001 FaceGenFixes 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 15) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\fiss.dll plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\fiss.dll (00000001 fisses 00000088) loaded correctly (handle 16) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\FixNotesForSkyUI.dll plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\FixNotesForSkyUI.dll (00000001 FixNotesForSkyUI 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 17) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\hdtSMP64.dll registering plugin listener for SKSE at 18 of 19 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\hdtSMP64.dll (00000001 hdtSSEPhysics 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 18) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\HorseStaminaHUD.dll plugin 19 allocated 14 bytes from branch pool plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\HorseStaminaHUD.dll (00000001 HorseStaminaHUD 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 19) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\ImprovementNamesCustomizedSSE.dll plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\ImprovementNamesCustomizedSSE.dll (00000001 ImprovementNamesCustomizedSSE 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 20) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\InsertAttackData.dll plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\InsertAttackData.dll (00000001 InsertAttackData64 plugin 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 21) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\InventoryFunctions64.dll plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\InventoryFunctions64.dll (00000001 Inventory Functions plugin 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 22) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\KeyboardShortcutsFix.dll plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\KeyboardShortcutsFix.dll (00000001 KeyboardShortcutsFix 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 23) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\MCMHelper.dll registering plugin listener for SKSE at 24 of 25 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\MCMHelper.dll (00000001 MCMHelper 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 24) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\PapyrusUtil.dll plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\PapyrusUtil.dll (00000001 papyrusutil plugin 00000002) loaded correctly (handle 25) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\PartyCombatParameters.dll registering plugin listener for SKSE at 26 of 27 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\PartyCombatParameters.dll (00000001 PartyCombatParameters 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 26) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\po3_EssentialFavorites.dll plugin 27 allocated 28 bytes from branch pool plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\po3_EssentialFavorites.dll (00000001 Favorite Misc Items 00000002) loaded correctly (handle 27) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\po3_FavoriteMiscItems.dll plugin 28 allocated 14 bytes from branch pool plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\po3_FavoriteMiscItems.dll (00000001 Favorite Misc Items 00000003) loaded correctly (handle 28) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\po3_PapyrusExtender.dll plugin 29 allocated 126 bytes from branch pool registering plugin listener for SKSE at 29 of 30 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\po3_PapyrusExtender.dll (00000001 powerofthree's Papyrus Extender 00000004) loaded correctly (handle 29) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\po3_SalesOverflowSolved.dll plugin 30 allocated 16 bytes from branch pool registering plugin listener for SKSE at 30 of 31 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\po3_SalesOverflowSolved.dll (00000001 Sales Overflow Solved 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 30) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\po3_Tweaks.dll plugin 31 allocated 70 bytes from branch pool registering plugin listener for SKSE at 31 of 32 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\po3_Tweaks.dll (00000001 po3_Tweaks 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 31) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\PriorityMod.dll plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\PriorityMod.dll (00000001 FallrimPriority 00000003) loaded correctly (handle 32) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\PrivateProfileRedirector.dll plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\PrivateProfileRedirector.dll (00000001 PrivateProfileRedirector 00000035) loaded correctly (handle 33) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\QuickLootEE.dll plugin 34 allocated 64 bytes from branch pool registering plugin listener for SKSE at 34 of 35 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\QuickLootEE.dll (00000001 QuickLootEE 01000000) loaded correctly (handle 34) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\ScrambledBugs.dll plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\ScrambledBugs.dll (00000001 ScrambledBugs 00000011) loaded correctly (handle 35) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\SimpleDualSheath.dll plugin 36 allocated 160 bytes from branch pool plugin 36 allocated 720 bytes from local pool registering plugin listener for SKSE at 36 of 37 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\SimpleDualSheath.dll (00000001 SimpleDualSheath 00010503) loaded correctly (handle 36) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\skee64.dll registering plugin listener for SKSE at 37 of 38 registering plugin listener for (null) at 37 of 38 plugin 37 allocated 512 bytes from branch pool plugin 37 allocated 512 bytes from local pool plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\skee64.dll (00000001 skee 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 37) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\SkyrimOutfitSystemSE.dll registering plugin listener for SKSE at 38 of 39 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\SkyrimOutfitSystemSE.dll (00000001 SkyrimOutfitSystemSE 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 38) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\SkyrimSoulsRE.dll registering plugin listener for SKSE at 39 of 40 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\SkyrimSoulsRE.dll (00000001 Skyrim Souls RE 00000002) loaded correctly (handle 39) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\SSEDisplayTweaks.dll plugin 40 allocated 360 bytes from branch pool plugin 40 allocated 1024 bytes from local pool registering plugin listener for SKSE at 40 of 41 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\SSEDisplayTweaks.dll (00000001 SSEDisplayTweaks 00000507) loaded correctly (handle 40) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\StayAtSystemPageSE.dll plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\StayAtSystemPageSE.dll (00000001 StayAtSystemPage 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 41) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\TrueHUD.dll plugin 42 allocated 128 bytes from branch pool registering plugin listener for SKSE at 42 of 43 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\TrueHUD.dll (00000001 TrueHUD 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 42) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\UltimateCombat.dll registering plugin listener for SKSE at 43 of 44 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\UltimateCombat.dll (00000001 UltimateCombat64 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 43) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\UltimateDragons64.dll registering plugin listener for SKSE at 44 of 45 plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\UltimateDragons64.dll (00000001 UltimateDragons64 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 44) checking plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\YesImSure.dll plugin F:\Games\RFAB Skyrim\The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim - Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\\YesImSure.dll (00000001 YesImSure 00000001) loaded correctly (handle 45) dispatch message (0) to plugin listeners sending message type 0 to plugin 2 sending message type 0 to plugin 3 sending message type 0 to plugin 5 sending message type 0 to plugin 6 sending message type 0 to plugin 7 sending message type 0 to plugin 10 sending message type 0 to plugin 11 sending message type 0 to plugin 13 sending message type 0 to plugin 14 sending message type 0 to plugin 18 sending message type 0 to plugin 24 sending message type 0 to plugin 26 sending message type 0 to plugin 29 sending message type 0 to plugin 30 sending message type 0 to plugin 31 sending message type 0 to plugin 34 sending message type 0 to plugin 36 sending message type 0 to plugin 37 sending message type 0 to plugin 38 sending message type 0 to plugin 39 sending message type 0 to plugin 40 sending message type 0 to plugin 42 registering plugin listener for (null) at 42 of 46 sending message type 0 to plugin 43 sending message type 0 to plugin 44 dispatched message. dispatch message (1) to plugin listeners sending message type 1 to plugin 2 sending message type 1 to plugin 3 sending message type 1 to plugin 5 sending message type 1 to plugin 6 sending message type 1 to plugin 7 sending message type 1 to plugin 10 sending message type 1 to plugin 11 sending message type 1 to plugin 13 sending message type 1 to plugin 14 sending message type 1 to plugin 18 sending message type 1 to plugin 24 sending message type 1 to plugin 26 sending message type 1 to plugin 29 sending message type 1 to plugin 30 sending message type 1 to plugin 31 sending message type 1 to plugin 34 sending message type 1 to plugin 36 sending message type 1 to plugin 37 sending message type 1 to plugin 38 sending message type 1 to plugin 39 sending message type 1 to plugin 40 sending message type 1 to plugin 42 sending message type 1 to plugin 43 sending message type 1 to plugin 44 dispatched message. init complete hooked dinput dispatch message (6) to plugin listeners sending message type 6 to plugin 2 sending message type 6 to plugin 3 sending message type 6 to plugin 5 sending message type 6 to plugin 6 sending message type 6 to plugin 7 sending message type 6 to plugin 10 sending message type 6 to plugin 11 sending message type 6 to plugin 13 sending message type 6 to plugin 14 sending message type 6 to plugin 18 sending message type 6 to plugin 24 sending message type 6 to plugin 26 sending message type 6 to plugin 29 sending message type 6 to plugin 30 sending message type 6 to plugin 31 sending message type 6 to plugin 34 sending message type 6 to plugin 36 sending message type 6 to plugin 37 sending message type 6 to plugin 38 sending message type 6 to plugin 39 sending message type 6 to plugin 40 sending message type 6 to plugin 42 sending message type 6 to plugin 43 sending message type 6 to plugin 44 dispatched message. Reading translations from Interface\Translations\Expressive Facegen Morphs_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\SkyUI_SE_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\UIExtensions_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\Extended UI_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\RaceMenu_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\UnreadBooksGlow_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\UltimateCombat_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\UltimateDragons_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\DeadlyDragons_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\Convenient Horses_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\Obsidian Weathers MCM_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\Requiem_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\zzzSXP_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\RFAB_AE_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\SkyrimOutfitSystem_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\XPMSE_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\AMatterOfTime_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\MCMHelper_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\TrueHUD_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\AHZmoreHUD_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\BetterThirdPersonSelection_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\PerksMenu_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\PerksForBlood_RUSSIAN.txt... Reading translations from Interface\Translations\ForgottenMagic_Redone_RUSSIAN.txt... dispatch message (8) to plugin listeners sending message type 8 to plugin 2 sending message type 8 to plugin 3 sending message type 8 to plugin 5 sending message type 8 to plugin 6 sending message type 8 to plugin 7 sending message type 8 to plugin 10 sending message type 8 to plugin 11 sending message type 8 to plugin 13 sending message type 8 to plugin 14 sending message type 8 to plugin 18 sending message type 8 to plugin 24 sending message type 8 to plugin 26 sending message type 8 to plugin 29 sending message type 8 to plugin 30 sending message type 8 to plugin 31 sending message type 8 to plugin 34 sending message type 8 to plugin 36 sending message type 8 to plugin 37 sending message type 8 to plugin 38 sending message type 8 to plugin 39 sending message type 8 to plugin 40 sending message type 8 to plugin 42 sending message type 8 to plugin 43 sending message type 8 to plugin 44 dispatched message. save name is Quicksave0_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_HPShalidorInt01_000849_20220920102253_7_1 full save path: C:\Users\Sakha\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves\\Quicksave0_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_HPShalidorInt01_000849_20220920102253_7_1.skse dispatch message (2) to plugin listeners sending message type 2 to plugin 2 sending message type 2 to plugin 3 sending message type 2 to plugin 5 sending message type 2 to plugin 6 sending message type 2 to plugin 7 sending message type 2 to plugin 10 sending message type 2 to plugin 11 sending message type 2 to plugin 13 sending message type 2 to plugin 14 sending message type 2 to plugin 18 sending message type 2 to plugin 24 sending message type 2 to plugin 26 sending message type 2 to plugin 29 sending message type 2 to plugin 30 sending message type 2 to plugin 31 sending message type 2 to plugin 34 sending message type 2 to plugin 36 sending message type 2 to plugin 37 sending message type 2 to plugin 38 sending message type 2 to plugin 39 sending message type 2 to plugin 40 sending message type 2 to plugin 42 sending message type 2 to plugin 43 sending message type 2 to plugin 44 dispatched message. loading co-save Loading plugin list: (0 -> 0) Skyrim.esm (1 -> 1) Update.esm (2 -> 2) Dawnguard.esm (3 -> 3) HearthFires.esm (4 -> 4) Dragonborn.esm (5 -> 5) Requiem Records Fix.esp (6 -> 6) Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp (7 -> 7) Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm (1040384 -> 1040384) Lux - Master plugin.esm (1040385 -> 1040385) Lux - Resources.esp (1040386 -> 1040386) Lux Orbis - Master plugin.esm (8 -> 8) Lux Via.esp (9 -> 9) High Poly Head.esm (1040387 -> 1040387) Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl (10 -> 10) RSkyrimChildren.esm (11 -> 11) FISS.esp (12 -> 12) ccBGSSSE001-Fish.esm (13 -> 13) ccasvsse001-almsivi.esm (1040388 -> 1040388) TrueHUD.esl (1040389 -> 1040389) skymojibase.esl (14 -> 14) SkyUI_SE.esp (15 -> 15) SkyHUD.esp (16 -> 16) UIExtensions.esp (17 -> 17) Extended UI.esp (18 -> 18) RaceMenu.esp (19 -> 19) RaceMenuPlugin.esp (20 -> 20) Skyrim Mixed Enhanced Physics - Force and Projectiles.esp (21 -> 21) UnreadBooksGlow.esp (1040390 -> 1040390) AHZmoreHUDInventory.esp (22 -> 22) Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp (23 -> 23) tbmchrysamere.esp (24 -> 24) UltimateCombat.esp (25 -> 25) UltimateDragons.esp (26 -> 26) DeadlyDragons.esp (27 -> 27) hz_NonExploitableCrossbowReload.esp (28 -> 28) Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp (29 -> 29) Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp (30 -> 30) AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp (31 -> 31) Convenient Horses.esp (32 -> 32) dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp (1040391 -> 1040391) Beards for High Poly Head.esp (33 -> 33) CommunityOverlays3.esp (1040392 -> 1040392) Vanilla Hair Replacer - VHR.esp (1040393 -> 1040393) KSHairdosSMP.esp (1040394 -> 1040394) Galactic eyes.esp (34 -> 34) Angelic_Demonic.esp (35 -> 35) HORNY.esp (36 -> 36) NK_HornSlider.esp (37 -> 37) Obsidian Weathers.esp (1040395 -> 1040395) Obsidian Weathers MCM.esp (1040396 -> 1040396) AncientLand2.esp (1040397 -> 1040397) Interesting Roads.esp (1040398 -> 1040398) BentPines.esp (38 -> 38) Blubbos_deity_tree_of_kynareth.esp (39 -> 39) Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp (40 -> 40) Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp (1040399 -> 1040399) man_HermaeusMora.esp (1040400 -> 1040400) man_Hircine.esp (1040401 -> 1040401) man_MephalaShrine.esp (1040402 -> 1040402) man_molagBalShrine.esp (1040403 -> 1040403) man_PeryiteShrine.esp (1040404 -> 1040404) man_sanguineShrine.esp (1040405 -> 1040405) man_sheogorathShrine.esp (1040406 -> 1040406) Blue Palace Frescoes.esp (1040407 -> 1040407) WinterholdBridgeRepaired.esp (41 -> 41) Requiem.esp (42 -> 42) SC_HorseReplacer.esp (43 -> 43) zzzSXP.esp (44 -> 44) RFAB_AE.esp (45 -> 45) Umbra RFAB Edition.esp (46 -> 46) RSChildren.esp (47 -> 47) S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp (1040408 -> 1040408) Remove Hanging Moss From Trees.esp (48 -> 48) Cloaks&Capes SMP.esp (49 -> 49) RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted.esp (50 -> 50) Rudy Nordic Pottery SSE.esp (1040409 -> 1040409) Bears of the North.esp (51 -> 51) Cathedral Dynamic Snow.esp (52 -> 52) Water for ENB.esp (53 -> 53) Embers XD.esp (54 -> 54) Lux.esp (1040410 -> 1040410) Lux - Whitestrake's patch.esp (1040411 -> 1040411) Lux - Live Another Life patch.esp (1040412 -> 1040412) Lux - USSEP patch.esp (1040413 -> 1040413) Lux Via - plugin.esp (55 -> 55) Lux Orbis.esp (1040414 -> 1040414) Lux Orbis - Whitestrake's patch.esp (1040415 -> 1040415) Lux Orbis - Alternate Start patch.esp (1040416 -> 1040416) Lux Orbis - USSEP patch.esp (1040417 -> 1040417) Lux Orbis - Whiterun Horses patch.esp (56 -> 56) WFE - Lux patch.esp (57 -> 57) AltStartCampFireFix(Whitestrake GP).esp (58 -> 58) FranklyHDImperialArmorsAndWeapons.esp (59 -> 59) Requiem for the Indifferent.esp (60 -> 60) SkyrimOutfitSystem.esp (61 -> 61) XPMSE.esp (62 -> 62) FNIS.esp (63 -> 63) ccBGSSSE001-Fish_RFAB_Patch.esp (64 -> 64) ccasvsse001-almsivi_RFAB_Patch.esp (65 -> 65) Chapter II - Soundtrack mod by Dreyma Music.esp (1040418 -> 1040418) Ragnarok.esp (66 -> 66) TES_Master_Soundtrack.esp (67 -> 67) AMatterOfTime.esp (1040419 -> 1040419) MCMHelper.esp (68 -> 68) WM_WidgetMod.esp (69 -> 69) AHZmoreHUD.esp (1040420 -> 1040420) BetterThirdPersonSelection.esp (70 -> 70) LoreLoadScreen.esp (1040421 -> 1040421) skymoji.esp (71 -> 71) PerksMenu.esp (72 -> 72) PerksForBlood.esp (73 -> 73) ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp (74 -> 74) Haem Projects Shalidor.esp Loading menu open/close event registrations... Loading key input event registrations... Loading control input event registrations... Loading mod callback event registrations... Loading crosshair ref event registrations... Loading camera event registrations... Loading actor action event registrations... Loading NiNode update event registrations... Loading SKSEPersistentObjectStorage data... Loading SKSEDelayFunctorManager data... dispatch message (3) to plugin listeners sending message type 3 to plugin 2 sending message type 3 to plugin 3 sending message type 3 to plugin 5 sending message type 3 to plugin 6 sending message type 3 to plugin 7 sending message type 3 to plugin 10 sending message type 3 to plugin 11 sending message type 3 to plugin 13 sending message type 3 to plugin 14 sending message type 3 to plugin 18 sending message type 3 to plugin 24 sending message type 3 to plugin 26 sending message type 3 to plugin 29 sending message type 3 to plugin 30 sending message type 3 to plugin 31 sending message type 3 to plugin 34 sending message type 3 to plugin 36 sending message type 3 to plugin 37 sending message type 3 to plugin 38 sending message type 3 to plugin 39 sending message type 3 to plugin 40 sending message type 3 to plugin 42 sending message type 3 to plugin 43 sending message type 3 to plugin 44 dispatched message. cleared save path setRootPath(a_path = exported/) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 0, a_widgetSource = skyui/activeeffects.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 1, a_widgetSource = amotsymbolwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 2, a_widgetSource = amotclockwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 3, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_LightCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 4, a_widgetSource = amotclockwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 5, a_widgetSource = amotdatewidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 6, a_widgetSource = amotdatewidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 7, a_widgetSource = amotsymbolwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 8, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_FollowerCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 9, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_EssentialCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 10, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_SpeedCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 11, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_HotkeyCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 12, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_ArrowCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 13, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_BountyCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 14, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_SkillCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 15, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_WeightCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 16, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_GoldCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 17, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_HorseCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 18, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_AttributeCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 19, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_LockpickCount.swf) AMOT now switching to symbol skydial AMOT now switching to symbol skydial AMOT now switching to symbol PictureOfTheDay AMOT now switching to symbol SkyDial save name is Quicksave0_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_Tamriel_000857_20220921071257_7_1 full save path: C:\Users\Sakha\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves\\Quicksave0_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_Tamriel_000857_20220921071257_7_1.skse dispatch message (4) to plugin listeners sending message type 4 to plugin 2 sending message type 4 to plugin 3 sending message type 4 to plugin 5 sending message type 4 to plugin 6 sending message type 4 to plugin 7 sending message type 4 to plugin 10 sending message type 4 to plugin 11 sending message type 4 to plugin 13 sending message type 4 to plugin 14 sending message type 4 to plugin 18 sending message type 4 to plugin 24 sending message type 4 to plugin 26 sending message type 4 to plugin 29 sending message type 4 to plugin 30 sending message type 4 to plugin 31 sending message type 4 to plugin 34 sending message type 4 to plugin 36 sending message type 4 to plugin 37 sending message type 4 to plugin 38 sending message type 4 to plugin 39 sending message type 4 to plugin 40 sending message type 4 to plugin 42 sending message type 4 to plugin 43 sending message type 4 to plugin 44 dispatched message. creating co-save Saving plugin list: [0] Skyrim.esm [1] Update.esm [2] Dawnguard.esm [3] HearthFires.esm [4] Dragonborn.esm [5] Requiem Records Fix.esp [6] Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp [7] Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm [FE:0] Lux - Master plugin.esm [FE:1] Lux - Resources.esp [FE:2] Lux Orbis - Master plugin.esm [8] Lux Via.esp [9] High Poly Head.esm [FE:3] Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl [10] RSkyrimChildren.esm [11] FISS.esp [12] ccBGSSSE001-Fish.esm [13] ccasvsse001-almsivi.esm [FE:4] TrueHUD.esl [FE:5] skymojibase.esl [14] SkyUI_SE.esp [15] SkyHUD.esp [16] UIExtensions.esp [17] Extended UI.esp [18] RaceMenu.esp [19] RaceMenuPlugin.esp [20] Skyrim Mixed Enhanced Physics - Force and Projectiles.esp [21] UnreadBooksGlow.esp [FE:6] AHZmoreHUDInventory.esp [22] Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp [23] tbmchrysamere.esp [24] UltimateCombat.esp [25] UltimateDragons.esp [26] DeadlyDragons.esp [27] hz_NonExploitableCrossbowReload.esp [28] Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp [29] Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp [30] AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp [31] Convenient Horses.esp [32] dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp [FE:7] Beards for High Poly Head.esp [33] CommunityOverlays3.esp [FE:8] Vanilla Hair Replacer - VHR.esp [FE:9] KSHairdosSMP.esp [FE:10] Galactic eyes.esp [34] Angelic_Demonic.esp [35] HORNY.esp [36] NK_HornSlider.esp [37] Obsidian Weathers.esp [FE:11] Obsidian Weathers MCM.esp [FE:12] AncientLand2.esp [FE:13] Interesting Roads.esp [FE:14] BentPines.esp [38] Blubbos_deity_tree_of_kynareth.esp [39] Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp [40] Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp [FE:15] man_HermaeusMora.esp [FE:16] man_Hircine.esp [FE:17] man_MephalaShrine.esp [FE:18] man_molagBalShrine.esp [FE:19] man_PeryiteShrine.esp [FE:20] man_sanguineShrine.esp [FE:21] man_sheogorathShrine.esp [FE:22] Blue Palace Frescoes.esp [FE:23] WinterholdBridgeRepaired.esp [41] Requiem.esp [42] SC_HorseReplacer.esp [43] zzzSXP.esp [44] RFAB_AE.esp [45] Umbra RFAB Edition.esp [46] RSChildren.esp [47] S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp [FE:24] Remove Hanging Moss From Trees.esp [48] Cloaks&Capes SMP.esp [49] RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted.esp [50] Rudy Nordic Pottery SSE.esp [FE:25] Bears of the North.esp [51] Cathedral Dynamic Snow.esp [52] Water for ENB.esp [53] Embers XD.esp [54] Lux.esp [FE:26] Lux - Whitestrake's patch.esp [FE:27] Lux - Live Another Life patch.esp [FE:28] Lux - USSEP patch.esp [FE:29] Lux Via - plugin.esp [55] Lux Orbis.esp [FE:30] Lux Orbis - Whitestrake's patch.esp [FE:31] Lux Orbis - Alternate Start patch.esp [FE:32] Lux Orbis - USSEP patch.esp [FE:33] Lux Orbis - Whiterun Horses patch.esp [56] WFE - Lux patch.esp [57] AltStartCampFireFix(Whitestrake GP).esp [58] FranklyHDImperialArmorsAndWeapons.esp [59] Requiem for the Indifferent.esp [60] SkyrimOutfitSystem.esp [61] XPMSE.esp [62] FNIS.esp [63] ccBGSSSE001-Fish_RFAB_Patch.esp [64] ccasvsse001-almsivi_RFAB_Patch.esp [65] Chapter II - Soundtrack mod by Dreyma Music.esp [FE:34] Ragnarok.esp [66] TES_Master_Soundtrack.esp [67] AMatterOfTime.esp [FE:35] MCMHelper.esp [68] WM_WidgetMod.esp [69] AHZmoreHUD.esp [FE:36] BetterThirdPersonSelection.esp [70] LoreLoadScreen.esp [FE:37] skymoji.esp [71] PerksMenu.esp [72] PerksForBlood.esp [73] ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp [74] Haem Projects Shalidor.esp Saving menu open/close event registrations... Saving key input event registrations... Saving control input event registrations... Saving mod callback event registrations... Saving crosshair ref event registrations... Saving camera event registrations... Saving actor action event registrations... Saving NiNode update event registrations... Saving SKSEPersistentObjectStorage data... Saving SKSEDelayFunctorManager data... cleared save path save name is Quicksave0_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_Tamriel_000858_20220921071336_7_1 full save path: C:\Users\Sakha\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves\\Quicksave0_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_Tamriel_000858_20220921071336_7_1.skse dispatch message (4) to plugin listeners sending message type 4 to plugin 2 sending message type 4 to plugin 3 sending message type 4 to plugin 5 sending message type 4 to plugin 6 sending message type 4 to plugin 7 sending message type 4 to plugin 10 sending message type 4 to plugin 11 sending message type 4 to plugin 13 sending message type 4 to plugin 14 sending message type 4 to plugin 18 sending message type 4 to plugin 24 sending message type 4 to plugin 26 sending message type 4 to plugin 29 sending message type 4 to plugin 30 sending message type 4 to plugin 31 sending message type 4 to plugin 34 sending message type 4 to plugin 36 sending message type 4 to plugin 37 sending message type 4 to plugin 38 sending message type 4 to plugin 39 sending message type 4 to plugin 40 sending message type 4 to plugin 42 sending message type 4 to plugin 43 sending message type 4 to plugin 44 dispatched message. creating co-save Saving plugin list: [0] Skyrim.esm [1] Update.esm [2] Dawnguard.esm [3] HearthFires.esm [4] Dragonborn.esm [5] Requiem Records Fix.esp [6] Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp [7] Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm [FE:0] Lux - Master plugin.esm [FE:1] Lux - Resources.esp [FE:2] Lux Orbis - Master plugin.esm [8] Lux Via.esp [9] High Poly Head.esm [FE:3] Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl [10] RSkyrimChildren.esm [11] FISS.esp [12] ccBGSSSE001-Fish.esm [13] ccasvsse001-almsivi.esm [FE:4] TrueHUD.esl [FE:5] skymojibase.esl [14] SkyUI_SE.esp [15] SkyHUD.esp [16] UIExtensions.esp [17] Extended UI.esp [18] RaceMenu.esp [19] RaceMenuPlugin.esp [20] Skyrim Mixed Enhanced Physics - Force and Projectiles.esp [21] UnreadBooksGlow.esp [FE:6] AHZmoreHUDInventory.esp [22] Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp [23] tbmchrysamere.esp [24] UltimateCombat.esp [25] UltimateDragons.esp [26] DeadlyDragons.esp [27] hz_NonExploitableCrossbowReload.esp [28] Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp [29] Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp [30] AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp [31] Convenient Horses.esp [32] dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp [FE:7] Beards for High Poly Head.esp [33] CommunityOverlays3.esp [FE:8] Vanilla Hair Replacer - VHR.esp [FE:9] KSHairdosSMP.esp [FE:10] Galactic eyes.esp [34] Angelic_Demonic.esp [35] HORNY.esp [36] NK_HornSlider.esp [37] Obsidian Weathers.esp [FE:11] Obsidian Weathers MCM.esp [FE:12] AncientLand2.esp [FE:13] Interesting Roads.esp [FE:14] BentPines.esp [38] Blubbos_deity_tree_of_kynareth.esp [39] Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp [40] Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp [FE:15] man_HermaeusMora.esp [FE:16] man_Hircine.esp [FE:17] man_MephalaShrine.esp [FE:18] man_molagBalShrine.esp [FE:19] man_PeryiteShrine.esp [FE:20] man_sanguineShrine.esp [FE:21] man_sheogorathShrine.esp [FE:22] Blue Palace Frescoes.esp [FE:23] WinterholdBridgeRepaired.esp [41] Requiem.esp [42] SC_HorseReplacer.esp [43] zzzSXP.esp [44] RFAB_AE.esp [45] Umbra RFAB Edition.esp [46] RSChildren.esp [47] S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp [FE:24] Remove Hanging Moss From Trees.esp [48] Cloaks&Capes SMP.esp [49] RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted.esp [50] Rudy Nordic Pottery SSE.esp [FE:25] Bears of the North.esp [51] Cathedral Dynamic Snow.esp [52] Water for ENB.esp [53] Embers XD.esp [54] Lux.esp [FE:26] Lux - Whitestrake's patch.esp [FE:27] Lux - Live Another Life patch.esp [FE:28] Lux - USSEP patch.esp [FE:29] Lux Via - plugin.esp [55] Lux Orbis.esp [FE:30] Lux Orbis - Whitestrake's patch.esp [FE:31] Lux Orbis - Alternate Start patch.esp [FE:32] Lux Orbis - USSEP patch.esp [FE:33] Lux Orbis - Whiterun Horses patch.esp [56] WFE - Lux patch.esp [57] AltStartCampFireFix(Whitestrake GP).esp [58] FranklyHDImperialArmorsAndWeapons.esp [59] Requiem for the Indifferent.esp [60] SkyrimOutfitSystem.esp [61] XPMSE.esp [62] FNIS.esp [63] ccBGSSSE001-Fish_RFAB_Patch.esp [64] ccasvsse001-almsivi_RFAB_Patch.esp [65] Chapter II - Soundtrack mod by Dreyma Music.esp [FE:34] Ragnarok.esp [66] TES_Master_Soundtrack.esp [67] AMatterOfTime.esp [FE:35] MCMHelper.esp [68] WM_WidgetMod.esp [69] AHZmoreHUD.esp [FE:36] BetterThirdPersonSelection.esp [70] LoreLoadScreen.esp [FE:37] skymoji.esp [71] PerksMenu.esp [72] PerksForBlood.esp [73] ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp [74] Haem Projects Shalidor.esp Saving menu open/close event registrations... Saving key input event registrations... Saving control input event registrations... Saving mod callback event registrations... Saving crosshair ref event registrations... Saving camera event registrations... Saving actor action event registrations... Saving NiNode update event registrations... Saving SKSEPersistentObjectStorage data... Saving SKSEDelayFunctorManager data... cleared save path save name is Autosave2_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_BrokenFangCave01_000858_20220921071345_7_1 full save path: C:\Users\Sakha\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves\\Autosave2_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_BrokenFangCave01_000858_20220921071345_7_1.skse dispatch message (4) to plugin listeners sending message type 4 to plugin 2 sending message type 4 to plugin 3 sending message type 4 to plugin 5 sending message type 4 to plugin 6 sending message type 4 to plugin 7 sending message type 4 to plugin 10 sending message type 4 to plugin 11 sending message type 4 to plugin 13 sending message type 4 to plugin 14 sending message type 4 to plugin 18 sending message type 4 to plugin 24 sending message type 4 to plugin 26 sending message type 4 to plugin 29 sending message type 4 to plugin 30 sending message type 4 to plugin 31 sending message type 4 to plugin 34 sending message type 4 to plugin 36 sending message type 4 to plugin 37 sending message type 4 to plugin 38 sending message type 4 to plugin 39 sending message type 4 to plugin 40 sending message type 4 to plugin 42 sending message type 4 to plugin 43 sending message type 4 to plugin 44 dispatched message. creating co-save Saving plugin list: [0] Skyrim.esm [1] Update.esm [2] Dawnguard.esm [3] HearthFires.esm [4] Dragonborn.esm [5] Requiem Records Fix.esp [6] Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp [7] Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm [FE:0] Lux - Master plugin.esm [FE:1] Lux - Resources.esp [FE:2] Lux Orbis - Master plugin.esm [8] Lux Via.esp [9] High Poly Head.esm [FE:3] Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl [10] RSkyrimChildren.esm [11] FISS.esp [12] ccBGSSSE001-Fish.esm [13] ccasvsse001-almsivi.esm [FE:4] TrueHUD.esl [FE:5] skymojibase.esl [14] SkyUI_SE.esp [15] SkyHUD.esp [16] UIExtensions.esp [17] Extended UI.esp [18] RaceMenu.esp [19] RaceMenuPlugin.esp [20] Skyrim Mixed Enhanced Physics - Force and Projectiles.esp [21] UnreadBooksGlow.esp [FE:6] AHZmoreHUDInventory.esp [22] Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp [23] tbmchrysamere.esp [24] UltimateCombat.esp [25] UltimateDragons.esp [26] DeadlyDragons.esp [27] hz_NonExploitableCrossbowReload.esp [28] Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp [29] Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp [30] AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp [31] Convenient Horses.esp [32] dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp [FE:7] Beards for High Poly Head.esp [33] CommunityOverlays3.esp [FE:8] Vanilla Hair Replacer - VHR.esp [FE:9] KSHairdosSMP.esp [FE:10] Galactic eyes.esp [34] Angelic_Demonic.esp [35] HORNY.esp [36] NK_HornSlider.esp [37] Obsidian Weathers.esp [FE:11] Obsidian Weathers MCM.esp [FE:12] AncientLand2.esp [FE:13] Interesting Roads.esp [FE:14] BentPines.esp [38] Blubbos_deity_tree_of_kynareth.esp [39] Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp [40] Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp [FE:15] man_HermaeusMora.esp [FE:16] man_Hircine.esp [FE:17] man_MephalaShrine.esp [FE:18] man_molagBalShrine.esp [FE:19] man_PeryiteShrine.esp [FE:20] man_sanguineShrine.esp [FE:21] man_sheogorathShrine.esp [FE:22] Blue Palace Frescoes.esp [FE:23] WinterholdBridgeRepaired.esp [41] Requiem.esp [42] SC_HorseReplacer.esp [43] zzzSXP.esp [44] RFAB_AE.esp [45] Umbra RFAB Edition.esp [46] RSChildren.esp [47] S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp [FE:24] Remove Hanging Moss From Trees.esp [48] Cloaks&Capes SMP.esp [49] RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted.esp [50] Rudy Nordic Pottery SSE.esp [FE:25] Bears of the North.esp [51] Cathedral Dynamic Snow.esp [52] Water for ENB.esp [53] Embers XD.esp [54] Lux.esp [FE:26] Lux - Whitestrake's patch.esp [FE:27] Lux - Live Another Life patch.esp [FE:28] Lux - USSEP patch.esp [FE:29] Lux Via - plugin.esp [55] Lux Orbis.esp [FE:30] Lux Orbis - Whitestrake's patch.esp [FE:31] Lux Orbis - Alternate Start patch.esp [FE:32] Lux Orbis - USSEP patch.esp [FE:33] Lux Orbis - Whiterun Horses patch.esp [56] WFE - Lux patch.esp [57] AltStartCampFireFix(Whitestrake GP).esp [58] FranklyHDImperialArmorsAndWeapons.esp [59] Requiem for the Indifferent.esp [60] SkyrimOutfitSystem.esp [61] XPMSE.esp [62] FNIS.esp [63] ccBGSSSE001-Fish_RFAB_Patch.esp [64] ccasvsse001-almsivi_RFAB_Patch.esp [65] Chapter II - Soundtrack mod by Dreyma Music.esp [FE:34] Ragnarok.esp [66] TES_Master_Soundtrack.esp [67] AMatterOfTime.esp [FE:35] MCMHelper.esp [68] WM_WidgetMod.esp [69] AHZmoreHUD.esp [FE:36] BetterThirdPersonSelection.esp [70] LoreLoadScreen.esp [FE:37] skymoji.esp [71] PerksMenu.esp [72] PerksForBlood.esp [73] ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp [74] Haem Projects Shalidor.esp Saving menu open/close event registrations... Saving key input event registrations... Saving control input event registrations... Saving mod callback event registrations... Saving crosshair ref event registrations... Saving camera event registrations... Saving actor action event registrations... Saving NiNode update event registrations... Saving SKSEPersistentObjectStorage data... Saving SKSEDelayFunctorManager data... cleared save path save name is Autosave2_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_BrokenFangCave01_000858_20220921071345_7_1 full save path: C:\Users\Sakha\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves\\Autosave2_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_BrokenFangCave01_000858_20220921071345_7_1.skse dispatch message (2) to plugin listeners sending message type 2 to plugin 2 sending message type 2 to plugin 3 sending message type 2 to plugin 5 sending message type 2 to plugin 6 sending message type 2 to plugin 7 sending message type 2 to plugin 10 sending message type 2 to plugin 11 sending message type 2 to plugin 13 sending message type 2 to plugin 14 sending message type 2 to plugin 18 sending message type 2 to plugin 24 sending message type 2 to plugin 26 sending message type 2 to plugin 29 sending message type 2 to plugin 30 sending message type 2 to plugin 31 sending message type 2 to plugin 34 sending message type 2 to plugin 36 sending message type 2 to plugin 37 sending message type 2 to plugin 38 sending message type 2 to plugin 39 sending message type 2 to plugin 40 sending message type 2 to plugin 42 sending message type 2 to plugin 43 sending message type 2 to plugin 44 dispatched message. loading co-save Loading plugin list: (0 -> 0) Skyrim.esm (1 -> 1) Update.esm (2 -> 2) Dawnguard.esm (3 -> 3) HearthFires.esm (4 -> 4) Dragonborn.esm (5 -> 5) Requiem Records Fix.esp (6 -> 6) Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp (7 -> 7) Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm (1040384 -> 1040384) Lux - Master plugin.esm (1040385 -> 1040385) Lux - Resources.esp (1040386 -> 1040386) Lux Orbis - Master plugin.esm (8 -> 8) Lux Via.esp (9 -> 9) High Poly Head.esm (1040387 -> 1040387) Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl (10 -> 10) RSkyrimChildren.esm (11 -> 11) FISS.esp (12 -> 12) ccBGSSSE001-Fish.esm (13 -> 13) ccasvsse001-almsivi.esm (1040388 -> 1040388) TrueHUD.esl (1040389 -> 1040389) skymojibase.esl (14 -> 14) SkyUI_SE.esp (15 -> 15) SkyHUD.esp (16 -> 16) UIExtensions.esp (17 -> 17) Extended UI.esp (18 -> 18) RaceMenu.esp (19 -> 19) RaceMenuPlugin.esp (20 -> 20) Skyrim Mixed Enhanced Physics - Force and Projectiles.esp (21 -> 21) UnreadBooksGlow.esp (1040390 -> 1040390) AHZmoreHUDInventory.esp (22 -> 22) Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp (23 -> 23) tbmchrysamere.esp (24 -> 24) UltimateCombat.esp (25 -> 25) UltimateDragons.esp (26 -> 26) DeadlyDragons.esp (27 -> 27) hz_NonExploitableCrossbowReload.esp (28 -> 28) Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp (29 -> 29) Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp (30 -> 30) AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp (31 -> 31) Convenient Horses.esp (32 -> 32) dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp (1040391 -> 1040391) Beards for High Poly Head.esp (33 -> 33) CommunityOverlays3.esp (1040392 -> 1040392) Vanilla Hair Replacer - VHR.esp (1040393 -> 1040393) KSHairdosSMP.esp (1040394 -> 1040394) Galactic eyes.esp (34 -> 34) Angelic_Demonic.esp (35 -> 35) HORNY.esp (36 -> 36) NK_HornSlider.esp (37 -> 37) Obsidian Weathers.esp (1040395 -> 1040395) Obsidian Weathers MCM.esp (1040396 -> 1040396) AncientLand2.esp (1040397 -> 1040397) Interesting Roads.esp (1040398 -> 1040398) BentPines.esp (38 -> 38) Blubbos_deity_tree_of_kynareth.esp (39 -> 39) Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp (40 -> 40) Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp (1040399 -> 1040399) man_HermaeusMora.esp (1040400 -> 1040400) man_Hircine.esp (1040401 -> 1040401) man_MephalaShrine.esp (1040402 -> 1040402) man_molagBalShrine.esp (1040403 -> 1040403) man_PeryiteShrine.esp (1040404 -> 1040404) man_sanguineShrine.esp (1040405 -> 1040405) man_sheogorathShrine.esp (1040406 -> 1040406) Blue Palace Frescoes.esp (1040407 -> 1040407) WinterholdBridgeRepaired.esp (41 -> 41) Requiem.esp (42 -> 42) SC_HorseReplacer.esp (43 -> 43) zzzSXP.esp (44 -> 44) RFAB_AE.esp (45 -> 45) Umbra RFAB Edition.esp (46 -> 46) RSChildren.esp (47 -> 47) S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp (1040408 -> 1040408) Remove Hanging Moss From Trees.esp (48 -> 48) Cloaks&Capes SMP.esp (49 -> 49) RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted.esp (50 -> 50) Rudy Nordic Pottery SSE.esp (1040409 -> 1040409) Bears of the North.esp (51 -> 51) Cathedral Dynamic Snow.esp (52 -> 52) Water for ENB.esp (53 -> 53) Embers XD.esp (54 -> 54) Lux.esp (1040410 -> 1040410) Lux - Whitestrake's patch.esp (1040411 -> 1040411) Lux - Live Another Life patch.esp (1040412 -> 1040412) Lux - USSEP patch.esp (1040413 -> 1040413) Lux Via - plugin.esp (55 -> 55) Lux Orbis.esp (1040414 -> 1040414) Lux Orbis - Whitestrake's patch.esp (1040415 -> 1040415) Lux Orbis - Alternate Start patch.esp (1040416 -> 1040416) Lux Orbis - USSEP patch.esp (1040417 -> 1040417) Lux Orbis - Whiterun Horses patch.esp (56 -> 56) WFE - Lux patch.esp (57 -> 57) AltStartCampFireFix(Whitestrake GP).esp (58 -> 58) FranklyHDImperialArmorsAndWeapons.esp (59 -> 59) Requiem for the Indifferent.esp (60 -> 60) SkyrimOutfitSystem.esp (61 -> 61) XPMSE.esp (62 -> 62) FNIS.esp (63 -> 63) ccBGSSSE001-Fish_RFAB_Patch.esp (64 -> 64) ccasvsse001-almsivi_RFAB_Patch.esp (65 -> 65) Chapter II - Soundtrack mod by Dreyma Music.esp (1040418 -> 1040418) Ragnarok.esp (66 -> 66) TES_Master_Soundtrack.esp (67 -> 67) AMatterOfTime.esp (1040419 -> 1040419) MCMHelper.esp (68 -> 68) WM_WidgetMod.esp (69 -> 69) AHZmoreHUD.esp (1040420 -> 1040420) BetterThirdPersonSelection.esp (70 -> 70) LoreLoadScreen.esp (1040421 -> 1040421) skymoji.esp (71 -> 71) PerksMenu.esp (72 -> 72) PerksForBlood.esp (73 -> 73) ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp (74 -> 74) Haem Projects Shalidor.esp Loading menu open/close event registrations... Loading key input event registrations... Loading control input event registrations... Loading mod callback event registrations... Loading crosshair ref event registrations... Loading camera event registrations... Loading actor action event registrations... Loading NiNode update event registrations... Loading SKSEPersistentObjectStorage data... Loading SKSEDelayFunctorManager data... dispatch message (3) to plugin listeners sending message type 3 to plugin 2 sending message type 3 to plugin 3 sending message type 3 to plugin 5 sending message type 3 to plugin 6 sending message type 3 to plugin 7 sending message type 3 to plugin 10 sending message type 3 to plugin 11 sending message type 3 to plugin 13 sending message type 3 to plugin 14 sending message type 3 to plugin 18 sending message type 3 to plugin 24 sending message type 3 to plugin 26 sending message type 3 to plugin 29 sending message type 3 to plugin 30 sending message type 3 to plugin 31 sending message type 3 to plugin 34 sending message type 3 to plugin 36 sending message type 3 to plugin 37 sending message type 3 to plugin 38 sending message type 3 to plugin 39 sending message type 3 to plugin 40 sending message type 3 to plugin 42 sending message type 3 to plugin 43 sending message type 3 to plugin 44 dispatched message. cleared save path loadWidget(a_widgetID = 0, a_widgetSource = skyui/activeeffects.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 1, a_widgetSource = amotsymbolwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 2, a_widgetSource = amotclockwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 3, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_LightCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 4, a_widgetSource = amotclockwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 5, a_widgetSource = amotdatewidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 6, a_widgetSource = amotdatewidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 7, a_widgetSource = amotsymbolwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 8, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_FollowerCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 9, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_EssentialCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 10, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_SpeedCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 11, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_HotkeyCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 12, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_ArrowCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 13, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_BountyCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 14, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_SkillCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 15, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_WeightCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 16, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_GoldCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 17, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_HorseCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 18, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_AttributeCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 19, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_LockpickCount.swf) AMOT now switching to symbol skydial AMOT now switching to symbol skydial AMOT now switching to symbol PictureOfTheDay AMOT now switching to symbol SkyDial save name is Autosave2_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_BrokenFangCave01_000858_20220921071345_7_1 full save path: C:\Users\Sakha\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves\\Autosave2_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_BrokenFangCave01_000858_20220921071345_7_1.skse dispatch message (2) to plugin listeners sending message type 2 to plugin 2 sending message type 2 to plugin 3 sending message type 2 to plugin 5 sending message type 2 to plugin 6 sending message type 2 to plugin 7 sending message type 2 to plugin 10 sending message type 2 to plugin 11 sending message type 2 to plugin 13 sending message type 2 to plugin 14 sending message type 2 to plugin 18 sending message type 2 to plugin 24 sending message type 2 to plugin 26 sending message type 2 to plugin 29 sending message type 2 to plugin 30 sending message type 2 to plugin 31 sending message type 2 to plugin 34 sending message type 2 to plugin 36 sending message type 2 to plugin 37 sending message type 2 to plugin 38 sending message type 2 to plugin 39 sending message type 2 to plugin 40 sending message type 2 to plugin 42 sending message type 2 to plugin 43 sending message type 2 to plugin 44 dispatched message. loading co-save Loading plugin list: (0 -> 0) Skyrim.esm (1 -> 1) Update.esm (2 -> 2) Dawnguard.esm (3 -> 3) HearthFires.esm (4 -> 4) Dragonborn.esm (5 -> 5) Requiem Records Fix.esp (6 -> 6) Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp (7 -> 7) Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm (1040384 -> 1040384) Lux - Master plugin.esm (1040385 -> 1040385) Lux - Resources.esp (1040386 -> 1040386) Lux Orbis - Master plugin.esm (8 -> 8) Lux Via.esp (9 -> 9) High Poly Head.esm (1040387 -> 1040387) Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl (10 -> 10) RSkyrimChildren.esm (11 -> 11) FISS.esp (12 -> 12) ccBGSSSE001-Fish.esm (13 -> 13) ccasvsse001-almsivi.esm (1040388 -> 1040388) TrueHUD.esl (1040389 -> 1040389) skymojibase.esl (14 -> 14) SkyUI_SE.esp (15 -> 15) SkyHUD.esp (16 -> 16) UIExtensions.esp (17 -> 17) Extended UI.esp (18 -> 18) RaceMenu.esp (19 -> 19) RaceMenuPlugin.esp (20 -> 20) Skyrim Mixed Enhanced Physics - Force and Projectiles.esp (21 -> 21) UnreadBooksGlow.esp (1040390 -> 1040390) AHZmoreHUDInventory.esp (22 -> 22) Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp (23 -> 23) tbmchrysamere.esp (24 -> 24) UltimateCombat.esp (25 -> 25) UltimateDragons.esp (26 -> 26) DeadlyDragons.esp (27 -> 27) hz_NonExploitableCrossbowReload.esp (28 -> 28) Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp (29 -> 29) Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp (30 -> 30) AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp (31 -> 31) Convenient Horses.esp (32 -> 32) dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp (1040391 -> 1040391) Beards for High Poly Head.esp (33 -> 33) CommunityOverlays3.esp (1040392 -> 1040392) Vanilla Hair Replacer - VHR.esp (1040393 -> 1040393) KSHairdosSMP.esp (1040394 -> 1040394) Galactic eyes.esp (34 -> 34) Angelic_Demonic.esp (35 -> 35) HORNY.esp (36 -> 36) NK_HornSlider.esp (37 -> 37) Obsidian Weathers.esp (1040395 -> 1040395) Obsidian Weathers MCM.esp (1040396 -> 1040396) AncientLand2.esp (1040397 -> 1040397) Interesting Roads.esp (1040398 -> 1040398) BentPines.esp (38 -> 38) Blubbos_deity_tree_of_kynareth.esp (39 -> 39) Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp (40 -> 40) Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp (1040399 -> 1040399) man_HermaeusMora.esp (1040400 -> 1040400) man_Hircine.esp (1040401 -> 1040401) man_MephalaShrine.esp (1040402 -> 1040402) man_molagBalShrine.esp (1040403 -> 1040403) man_PeryiteShrine.esp (1040404 -> 1040404) man_sanguineShrine.esp (1040405 -> 1040405) man_sheogorathShrine.esp (1040406 -> 1040406) Blue Palace Frescoes.esp (1040407 -> 1040407) WinterholdBridgeRepaired.esp (41 -> 41) Requiem.esp (42 -> 42) SC_HorseReplacer.esp (43 -> 43) zzzSXP.esp (44 -> 44) RFAB_AE.esp (45 -> 45) Umbra RFAB Edition.esp (46 -> 46) RSChildren.esp (47 -> 47) S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp (1040408 -> 1040408) Remove Hanging Moss From Trees.esp (48 -> 48) Cloaks&Capes SMP.esp (49 -> 49) RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted.esp (50 -> 50) Rudy Nordic Pottery SSE.esp (1040409 -> 1040409) Bears of the North.esp (51 -> 51) Cathedral Dynamic Snow.esp (52 -> 52) Water for ENB.esp (53 -> 53) Embers XD.esp (54 -> 54) Lux.esp (1040410 -> 1040410) Lux - Whitestrake's patch.esp (1040411 -> 1040411) Lux - Live Another Life patch.esp (1040412 -> 1040412) Lux - USSEP patch.esp (1040413 -> 1040413) Lux Via - plugin.esp (55 -> 55) Lux Orbis.esp (1040414 -> 1040414) Lux Orbis - Whitestrake's patch.esp (1040415 -> 1040415) Lux Orbis - Alternate Start patch.esp (1040416 -> 1040416) Lux Orbis - USSEP patch.esp (1040417 -> 1040417) Lux Orbis - Whiterun Horses patch.esp (56 -> 56) WFE - Lux patch.esp (57 -> 57) AltStartCampFireFix(Whitestrake GP).esp (58 -> 58) FranklyHDImperialArmorsAndWeapons.esp (59 -> 59) Requiem for the Indifferent.esp (60 -> 60) SkyrimOutfitSystem.esp (61 -> 61) XPMSE.esp (62 -> 62) FNIS.esp (63 -> 63) ccBGSSSE001-Fish_RFAB_Patch.esp (64 -> 64) ccasvsse001-almsivi_RFAB_Patch.esp (65 -> 65) Chapter II - Soundtrack mod by Dreyma Music.esp (1040418 -> 1040418) Ragnarok.esp (66 -> 66) TES_Master_Soundtrack.esp (67 -> 67) AMatterOfTime.esp (1040419 -> 1040419) MCMHelper.esp (68 -> 68) WM_WidgetMod.esp (69 -> 69) AHZmoreHUD.esp (1040420 -> 1040420) BetterThirdPersonSelection.esp (70 -> 70) LoreLoadScreen.esp (1040421 -> 1040421) skymoji.esp (71 -> 71) PerksMenu.esp (72 -> 72) PerksForBlood.esp (73 -> 73) ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp (74 -> 74) Haem Projects Shalidor.esp Loading menu open/close event registrations... Loading key input event registrations... Loading control input event registrations... Loading mod callback event registrations... Loading crosshair ref event registrations... Loading camera event registrations... Loading actor action event registrations... Loading NiNode update event registrations... Loading SKSEPersistentObjectStorage data... Loading SKSEDelayFunctorManager data... dispatch message (3) to plugin listeners sending message type 3 to plugin 2 sending message type 3 to plugin 3 sending message type 3 to plugin 5 sending message type 3 to plugin 6 sending message type 3 to plugin 7 sending message type 3 to plugin 10 sending message type 3 to plugin 11 sending message type 3 to plugin 13 sending message type 3 to plugin 14 sending message type 3 to plugin 18 sending message type 3 to plugin 24 sending message type 3 to plugin 26 sending message type 3 to plugin 29 sending message type 3 to plugin 30 sending message type 3 to plugin 31 sending message type 3 to plugin 34 sending message type 3 to plugin 36 sending message type 3 to plugin 37 sending message type 3 to plugin 38 sending message type 3 to plugin 39 sending message type 3 to plugin 40 sending message type 3 to plugin 42 sending message type 3 to plugin 43 sending message type 3 to plugin 44 dispatched message. cleared save path loadWidget(a_widgetID = 0, a_widgetSource = skyui/activeeffects.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 1, a_widgetSource = amotsymbolwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 2, a_widgetSource = amotclockwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 3, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_LightCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 4, a_widgetSource = amotclockwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 5, a_widgetSource = amotdatewidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 6, a_widgetSource = amotdatewidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 7, a_widgetSource = amotsymbolwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 8, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_FollowerCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 9, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_EssentialCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 10, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_SpeedCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 11, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_HotkeyCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 12, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_ArrowCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 13, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_BountyCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 14, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_SkillCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 15, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_WeightCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 16, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_GoldCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 17, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_HorseCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 18, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_AttributeCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 19, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_LockpickCount.swf) AMOT now switching to symbol skydial AMOT now switching to symbol skydial AMOT now switching to symbol PictureOfTheDay AMOT now switching to symbol SkyDial save name is Autosave2_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_BrokenFangCave01_000858_20220921071345_7_1 full save path: C:\Users\Sakha\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves\\Autosave2_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_BrokenFangCave01_000858_20220921071345_7_1.skse dispatch message (2) to plugin listeners sending message type 2 to plugin 2 sending message type 2 to plugin 3 sending message type 2 to plugin 5 sending message type 2 to plugin 6 sending message type 2 to plugin 7 sending message type 2 to plugin 10 sending message type 2 to plugin 11 sending message type 2 to plugin 13 sending message type 2 to plugin 14 sending message type 2 to plugin 18 sending message type 2 to plugin 24 sending message type 2 to plugin 26 sending message type 2 to plugin 29 sending message type 2 to plugin 30 sending message type 2 to plugin 31 sending message type 2 to plugin 34 sending message type 2 to plugin 36 sending message type 2 to plugin 37 sending message type 2 to plugin 38 sending message type 2 to plugin 39 sending message type 2 to plugin 40 sending message type 2 to plugin 42 sending message type 2 to plugin 43 sending message type 2 to plugin 44 dispatched message. loading co-save Loading plugin list: (0 -> 0) Skyrim.esm (1 -> 1) Update.esm (2 -> 2) Dawnguard.esm (3 -> 3) HearthFires.esm (4 -> 4) Dragonborn.esm (5 -> 5) Requiem Records Fix.esp (6 -> 6) Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp (7 -> 7) Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm (1040384 -> 1040384) Lux - Master plugin.esm (1040385 -> 1040385) Lux - Resources.esp (1040386 -> 1040386) Lux Orbis - Master plugin.esm (8 -> 8) Lux Via.esp (9 -> 9) High Poly Head.esm (1040387 -> 1040387) Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl (10 -> 10) RSkyrimChildren.esm (11 -> 11) FISS.esp (12 -> 12) ccBGSSSE001-Fish.esm (13 -> 13) ccasvsse001-almsivi.esm (1040388 -> 1040388) TrueHUD.esl (1040389 -> 1040389) skymojibase.esl (14 -> 14) SkyUI_SE.esp (15 -> 15) SkyHUD.esp (16 -> 16) UIExtensions.esp (17 -> 17) Extended UI.esp (18 -> 18) RaceMenu.esp (19 -> 19) RaceMenuPlugin.esp (20 -> 20) Skyrim Mixed Enhanced Physics - Force and Projectiles.esp (21 -> 21) UnreadBooksGlow.esp (1040390 -> 1040390) AHZmoreHUDInventory.esp (22 -> 22) Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp (23 -> 23) tbmchrysamere.esp (24 -> 24) UltimateCombat.esp (25 -> 25) UltimateDragons.esp (26 -> 26) DeadlyDragons.esp (27 -> 27) hz_NonExploitableCrossbowReload.esp (28 -> 28) Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp (29 -> 29) Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp (30 -> 30) AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp (31 -> 31) Convenient Horses.esp (32 -> 32) dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp (1040391 -> 1040391) Beards for High Poly Head.esp (33 -> 33) CommunityOverlays3.esp (1040392 -> 1040392) Vanilla Hair Replacer - VHR.esp (1040393 -> 1040393) KSHairdosSMP.esp (1040394 -> 1040394) Galactic eyes.esp (34 -> 34) Angelic_Demonic.esp (35 -> 35) HORNY.esp (36 -> 36) NK_HornSlider.esp (37 -> 37) Obsidian Weathers.esp (1040395 -> 1040395) Obsidian Weathers MCM.esp (1040396 -> 1040396) AncientLand2.esp (1040397 -> 1040397) Interesting Roads.esp (1040398 -> 1040398) BentPines.esp (38 -> 38) Blubbos_deity_tree_of_kynareth.esp (39 -> 39) Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp (40 -> 40) Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp (1040399 -> 1040399) man_HermaeusMora.esp (1040400 -> 1040400) man_Hircine.esp (1040401 -> 1040401) man_MephalaShrine.esp (1040402 -> 1040402) man_molagBalShrine.esp (1040403 -> 1040403) man_PeryiteShrine.esp (1040404 -> 1040404) man_sanguineShrine.esp (1040405 -> 1040405) man_sheogorathShrine.esp (1040406 -> 1040406) Blue Palace Frescoes.esp (1040407 -> 1040407) WinterholdBridgeRepaired.esp (41 -> 41) Requiem.esp (42 -> 42) SC_HorseReplacer.esp (43 -> 43) zzzSXP.esp (44 -> 44) RFAB_AE.esp (45 -> 45) Umbra RFAB Edition.esp (46 -> 46) RSChildren.esp (47 -> 47) S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp (1040408 -> 1040408) Remove Hanging Moss From Trees.esp (48 -> 48) Cloaks&Capes SMP.esp (49 -> 49) RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted.esp (50 -> 50) Rudy Nordic Pottery SSE.esp (1040409 -> 1040409) Bears of the North.esp (51 -> 51) Cathedral Dynamic Snow.esp (52 -> 52) Water for ENB.esp (53 -> 53) Embers XD.esp (54 -> 54) Lux.esp (1040410 -> 1040410) Lux - Whitestrake's patch.esp (1040411 -> 1040411) Lux - Live Another Life patch.esp (1040412 -> 1040412) Lux - USSEP patch.esp (1040413 -> 1040413) Lux Via - plugin.esp (55 -> 55) Lux Orbis.esp (1040414 -> 1040414) Lux Orbis - Whitestrake's patch.esp (1040415 -> 1040415) Lux Orbis - Alternate Start patch.esp (1040416 -> 1040416) Lux Orbis - USSEP patch.esp (1040417 -> 1040417) Lux Orbis - Whiterun Horses patch.esp (56 -> 56) WFE - Lux patch.esp (57 -> 57) AltStartCampFireFix(Whitestrake GP).esp (58 -> 58) FranklyHDImperialArmorsAndWeapons.esp (59 -> 59) Requiem for the Indifferent.esp (60 -> 60) SkyrimOutfitSystem.esp (61 -> 61) XPMSE.esp (62 -> 62) FNIS.esp (63 -> 63) ccBGSSSE001-Fish_RFAB_Patch.esp (64 -> 64) ccasvsse001-almsivi_RFAB_Patch.esp (65 -> 65) Chapter II - Soundtrack mod by Dreyma Music.esp (1040418 -> 1040418) Ragnarok.esp (66 -> 66) TES_Master_Soundtrack.esp (67 -> 67) AMatterOfTime.esp (1040419 -> 1040419) MCMHelper.esp (68 -> 68) WM_WidgetMod.esp (69 -> 69) AHZmoreHUD.esp (1040420 -> 1040420) BetterThirdPersonSelection.esp (70 -> 70) LoreLoadScreen.esp (1040421 -> 1040421) skymoji.esp (71 -> 71) PerksMenu.esp (72 -> 72) PerksForBlood.esp (73 -> 73) ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp (74 -> 74) Haem Projects Shalidor.esp Loading menu open/close event registrations... Loading key input event registrations... Loading control input event registrations... Loading mod callback event registrations... Loading crosshair ref event registrations... Loading camera event registrations... Loading actor action event registrations... Loading NiNode update event registrations... Loading SKSEPersistentObjectStorage data... Loading SKSEDelayFunctorManager data... dispatch message (3) to plugin listeners sending message type 3 to plugin 2 sending message type 3 to plugin 3 sending message type 3 to plugin 5 sending message type 3 to plugin 6 sending message type 3 to plugin 7 sending message type 3 to plugin 10 sending message type 3 to plugin 11 sending message type 3 to plugin 13 sending message type 3 to plugin 14 sending message type 3 to plugin 18 sending message type 3 to plugin 24 sending message type 3 to plugin 26 sending message type 3 to plugin 29 sending message type 3 to plugin 30 sending message type 3 to plugin 31 sending message type 3 to plugin 34 sending message type 3 to plugin 36 sending message type 3 to plugin 37 sending message type 3 to plugin 38 sending message type 3 to plugin 39 sending message type 3 to plugin 40 sending message type 3 to plugin 42 sending message type 3 to plugin 43 sending message type 3 to plugin 44 dispatched message. cleared save path loadWidget(a_widgetID = 0, a_widgetSource = skyui/activeeffects.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 1, a_widgetSource = amotsymbolwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 2, a_widgetSource = amotclockwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 3, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_LightCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 4, a_widgetSource = amotclockwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 5, a_widgetSource = amotdatewidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 6, a_widgetSource = amotdatewidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 7, a_widgetSource = amotsymbolwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 8, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_FollowerCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 9, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_EssentialCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 10, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_SpeedCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 11, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_HotkeyCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 12, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_ArrowCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 13, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_BountyCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 14, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_SkillCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 15, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_WeightCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 16, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_GoldCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 17, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_HorseCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 18, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_AttributeCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 19, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_LockpickCount.swf) AMOT now switching to symbol skydial AMOT now switching to symbol skydial AMOT now switching to symbol PictureOfTheDay AMOT now switching to symbol SkyDial save name is Autosave3_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_Tamriel_000858_20220921071448_7_1 full save path: C:\Users\Sakha\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves\\Autosave3_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_Tamriel_000858_20220921071448_7_1.skse dispatch message (4) to plugin listeners sending message type 4 to plugin 2 sending message type 4 to plugin 3 sending message type 4 to plugin 5 sending message type 4 to plugin 6 sending message type 4 to plugin 7 sending message type 4 to plugin 10 sending message type 4 to plugin 11 sending message type 4 to plugin 13 sending message type 4 to plugin 14 sending message type 4 to plugin 18 sending message type 4 to plugin 24 sending message type 4 to plugin 26 sending message type 4 to plugin 29 sending message type 4 to plugin 30 sending message type 4 to plugin 31 sending message type 4 to plugin 34 sending message type 4 to plugin 36 sending message type 4 to plugin 37 sending message type 4 to plugin 38 sending message type 4 to plugin 39 sending message type 4 to plugin 40 sending message type 4 to plugin 42 sending message type 4 to plugin 43 sending message type 4 to plugin 44 dispatched message. creating co-save Saving plugin list: [0] Skyrim.esm [1] Update.esm [2] Dawnguard.esm [3] HearthFires.esm [4] Dragonborn.esm [5] Requiem Records Fix.esp [6] Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp [7] Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm [FE:0] Lux - Master plugin.esm [FE:1] Lux - Resources.esp [FE:2] Lux Orbis - Master plugin.esm [8] Lux Via.esp [9] High Poly Head.esm [FE:3] Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl [10] RSkyrimChildren.esm [11] FISS.esp [12] ccBGSSSE001-Fish.esm [13] ccasvsse001-almsivi.esm [FE:4] TrueHUD.esl [FE:5] skymojibase.esl [14] SkyUI_SE.esp [15] SkyHUD.esp [16] UIExtensions.esp [17] Extended UI.esp [18] RaceMenu.esp [19] RaceMenuPlugin.esp [20] Skyrim Mixed Enhanced Physics - Force and Projectiles.esp [21] UnreadBooksGlow.esp [FE:6] AHZmoreHUDInventory.esp [22] Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp [23] tbmchrysamere.esp [24] UltimateCombat.esp [25] UltimateDragons.esp [26] DeadlyDragons.esp [27] hz_NonExploitableCrossbowReload.esp [28] Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp [29] Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp [30] AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp [31] Convenient Horses.esp [32] dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp [FE:7] Beards for High Poly Head.esp [33] CommunityOverlays3.esp [FE:8] Vanilla Hair Replacer - VHR.esp [FE:9] KSHairdosSMP.esp [FE:10] Galactic eyes.esp [34] Angelic_Demonic.esp [35] HORNY.esp [36] NK_HornSlider.esp [37] Obsidian Weathers.esp [FE:11] Obsidian Weathers MCM.esp [FE:12] AncientLand2.esp [FE:13] Interesting Roads.esp [FE:14] BentPines.esp [38] Blubbos_deity_tree_of_kynareth.esp [39] Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp [40] Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp [FE:15] man_HermaeusMora.esp [FE:16] man_Hircine.esp [FE:17] man_MephalaShrine.esp [FE:18] man_molagBalShrine.esp [FE:19] man_PeryiteShrine.esp [FE:20] man_sanguineShrine.esp [FE:21] man_sheogorathShrine.esp [FE:22] Blue Palace Frescoes.esp [FE:23] WinterholdBridgeRepaired.esp [41] Requiem.esp [42] SC_HorseReplacer.esp [43] zzzSXP.esp [44] RFAB_AE.esp [45] Umbra RFAB Edition.esp [46] RSChildren.esp [47] S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp [FE:24] Remove Hanging Moss From Trees.esp [48] Cloaks&Capes SMP.esp [49] RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted.esp [50] Rudy Nordic Pottery SSE.esp [FE:25] Bears of the North.esp [51] Cathedral Dynamic Snow.esp [52] Water for ENB.esp [53] Embers XD.esp [54] Lux.esp [FE:26] Lux - Whitestrake's patch.esp [FE:27] Lux - Live Another Life patch.esp [FE:28] Lux - USSEP patch.esp [FE:29] Lux Via - plugin.esp [55] Lux Orbis.esp [FE:30] Lux Orbis - Whitestrake's patch.esp [FE:31] Lux Orbis - Alternate Start patch.esp [FE:32] Lux Orbis - USSEP patch.esp [FE:33] Lux Orbis - Whiterun Horses patch.esp [56] WFE - Lux patch.esp [57] AltStartCampFireFix(Whitestrake GP).esp [58] FranklyHDImperialArmorsAndWeapons.esp [59] Requiem for the Indifferent.esp [60] SkyrimOutfitSystem.esp [61] XPMSE.esp [62] FNIS.esp [63] ccBGSSSE001-Fish_RFAB_Patch.esp [64] ccasvsse001-almsivi_RFAB_Patch.esp [65] Chapter II - Soundtrack mod by Dreyma Music.esp [FE:34] Ragnarok.esp [66] TES_Master_Soundtrack.esp [67] AMatterOfTime.esp [FE:35] MCMHelper.esp [68] WM_WidgetMod.esp [69] AHZmoreHUD.esp [FE:36] BetterThirdPersonSelection.esp [70] LoreLoadScreen.esp [FE:37] skymoji.esp [71] PerksMenu.esp [72] PerksForBlood.esp [73] ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp [74] Haem Projects Shalidor.esp Saving menu open/close event registrations... Saving key input event registrations... Saving control input event registrations... Saving mod callback event registrations... Saving crosshair ref event registrations... Saving camera event registrations... Saving actor action event registrations... Saving NiNode update event registrations... Saving SKSEPersistentObjectStorage data... Saving SKSEDelayFunctorManager data... cleared save path save name is Autosave3_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_Tamriel_000858_20220921071448_7_1 full save path: C:\Users\Sakha\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves\\Autosave3_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_Tamriel_000858_20220921071448_7_1.skse dispatch message (2) to plugin listeners sending message type 2 to plugin 2 sending message type 2 to plugin 3 sending message type 2 to plugin 5 sending message type 2 to plugin 6 sending message type 2 to plugin 7 sending message type 2 to plugin 10 sending message type 2 to plugin 11 sending message type 2 to plugin 13 sending message type 2 to plugin 14 sending message type 2 to plugin 18 sending message type 2 to plugin 24 sending message type 2 to plugin 26 sending message type 2 to plugin 29 sending message type 2 to plugin 30 sending message type 2 to plugin 31 sending message type 2 to plugin 34 sending message type 2 to plugin 36 sending message type 2 to plugin 37 sending message type 2 to plugin 38 sending message type 2 to plugin 39 sending message type 2 to plugin 40 sending message type 2 to plugin 42 sending message type 2 to plugin 43 sending message type 2 to plugin 44 dispatched message. loading co-save Loading plugin list: (0 -> 0) Skyrim.esm (1 -> 1) Update.esm (2 -> 2) Dawnguard.esm (3 -> 3) HearthFires.esm (4 -> 4) Dragonborn.esm (5 -> 5) Requiem Records Fix.esp (6 -> 6) Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp (7 -> 7) Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm (1040384 -> 1040384) Lux - Master plugin.esm (1040385 -> 1040385) Lux - Resources.esp (1040386 -> 1040386) Lux Orbis - Master plugin.esm (8 -> 8) Lux Via.esp (9 -> 9) High Poly Head.esm (1040387 -> 1040387) Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl (10 -> 10) RSkyrimChildren.esm (11 -> 11) FISS.esp (12 -> 12) ccBGSSSE001-Fish.esm (13 -> 13) ccasvsse001-almsivi.esm (1040388 -> 1040388) TrueHUD.esl (1040389 -> 1040389) skymojibase.esl (14 -> 14) SkyUI_SE.esp (15 -> 15) SkyHUD.esp (16 -> 16) UIExtensions.esp (17 -> 17) Extended UI.esp (18 -> 18) RaceMenu.esp (19 -> 19) RaceMenuPlugin.esp (20 -> 20) Skyrim Mixed Enhanced Physics - Force and Projectiles.esp (21 -> 21) UnreadBooksGlow.esp (1040390 -> 1040390) AHZmoreHUDInventory.esp (22 -> 22) Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp (23 -> 23) tbmchrysamere.esp (24 -> 24) UltimateCombat.esp (25 -> 25) UltimateDragons.esp (26 -> 26) DeadlyDragons.esp (27 -> 27) hz_NonExploitableCrossbowReload.esp (28 -> 28) Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp (29 -> 29) Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp (30 -> 30) AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp (31 -> 31) Convenient Horses.esp (32 -> 32) dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp (1040391 -> 1040391) Beards for High Poly Head.esp (33 -> 33) CommunityOverlays3.esp (1040392 -> 1040392) Vanilla Hair Replacer - VHR.esp (1040393 -> 1040393) KSHairdosSMP.esp (1040394 -> 1040394) Galactic eyes.esp (34 -> 34) Angelic_Demonic.esp (35 -> 35) HORNY.esp (36 -> 36) NK_HornSlider.esp (37 -> 37) Obsidian Weathers.esp (1040395 -> 1040395) Obsidian Weathers MCM.esp (1040396 -> 1040396) AncientLand2.esp (1040397 -> 1040397) Interesting Roads.esp (1040398 -> 1040398) BentPines.esp (38 -> 38) Blubbos_deity_tree_of_kynareth.esp (39 -> 39) Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp (40 -> 40) Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp (1040399 -> 1040399) man_HermaeusMora.esp (1040400 -> 1040400) man_Hircine.esp (1040401 -> 1040401) man_MephalaShrine.esp (1040402 -> 1040402) man_molagBalShrine.esp (1040403 -> 1040403) man_PeryiteShrine.esp (1040404 -> 1040404) man_sanguineShrine.esp (1040405 -> 1040405) man_sheogorathShrine.esp (1040406 -> 1040406) Blue Palace Frescoes.esp (1040407 -> 1040407) WinterholdBridgeRepaired.esp (41 -> 41) Requiem.esp (42 -> 42) SC_HorseReplacer.esp (43 -> 43) zzzSXP.esp (44 -> 44) RFAB_AE.esp (45 -> 45) Umbra RFAB Edition.esp (46 -> 46) RSChildren.esp (47 -> 47) S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp (1040408 -> 1040408) Remove Hanging Moss From Trees.esp (48 -> 48) Cloaks&Capes SMP.esp (49 -> 49) RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted.esp (50 -> 50) Rudy Nordic Pottery SSE.esp (1040409 -> 1040409) Bears of the North.esp (51 -> 51) Cathedral Dynamic Snow.esp (52 -> 52) Water for ENB.esp (53 -> 53) Embers XD.esp (54 -> 54) Lux.esp (1040410 -> 1040410) Lux - Whitestrake's patch.esp (1040411 -> 1040411) Lux - Live Another Life patch.esp (1040412 -> 1040412) Lux - USSEP patch.esp (1040413 -> 1040413) Lux Via - plugin.esp (55 -> 55) Lux Orbis.esp (1040414 -> 1040414) Lux Orbis - Whitestrake's patch.esp (1040415 -> 1040415) Lux Orbis - Alternate Start patch.esp (1040416 -> 1040416) Lux Orbis - USSEP patch.esp (1040417 -> 1040417) Lux Orbis - Whiterun Horses patch.esp (56 -> 56) WFE - Lux patch.esp (57 -> 57) AltStartCampFireFix(Whitestrake GP).esp (58 -> 58) FranklyHDImperialArmorsAndWeapons.esp (59 -> 59) Requiem for the Indifferent.esp (60 -> 60) SkyrimOutfitSystem.esp (61 -> 61) XPMSE.esp (62 -> 62) FNIS.esp (63 -> 63) ccBGSSSE001-Fish_RFAB_Patch.esp (64 -> 64) ccasvsse001-almsivi_RFAB_Patch.esp (65 -> 65) Chapter II - Soundtrack mod by Dreyma Music.esp (1040418 -> 1040418) Ragnarok.esp (66 -> 66) TES_Master_Soundtrack.esp (67 -> 67) AMatterOfTime.esp (1040419 -> 1040419) MCMHelper.esp (68 -> 68) WM_WidgetMod.esp (69 -> 69) AHZmoreHUD.esp (1040420 -> 1040420) BetterThirdPersonSelection.esp (70 -> 70) LoreLoadScreen.esp (1040421 -> 1040421) skymoji.esp (71 -> 71) PerksMenu.esp (72 -> 72) PerksForBlood.esp (73 -> 73) ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp (74 -> 74) Haem Projects Shalidor.esp Loading menu open/close event registrations... Loading key input event registrations... Loading control input event registrations... Loading mod callback event registrations... Loading crosshair ref event registrations... Loading camera event registrations... Loading actor action event registrations... Loading NiNode update event registrations... Loading SKSEPersistentObjectStorage data... Loading SKSEDelayFunctorManager data... dispatch message (3) to plugin listeners sending message type 3 to plugin 2 sending message type 3 to plugin 3 sending message type 3 to plugin 5 sending message type 3 to plugin 6 sending message type 3 to plugin 7 sending message type 3 to plugin 10 sending message type 3 to plugin 11 sending message type 3 to plugin 13 sending message type 3 to plugin 14 sending message type 3 to plugin 18 sending message type 3 to plugin 24 sending message type 3 to plugin 26 sending message type 3 to plugin 29 sending message type 3 to plugin 30 sending message type 3 to plugin 31 sending message type 3 to plugin 34 sending message type 3 to plugin 36 sending message type 3 to plugin 37 sending message type 3 to plugin 38 sending message type 3 to plugin 39 sending message type 3 to plugin 40 sending message type 3 to plugin 42 sending message type 3 to plugin 43 sending message type 3 to plugin 44 dispatched message. cleared save path loadWidget(a_widgetID = 0, a_widgetSource = skyui/activeeffects.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 1, a_widgetSource = amotsymbolwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 2, a_widgetSource = amotclockwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 3, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_LightCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 4, a_widgetSource = amotclockwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 5, a_widgetSource = amotdatewidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 6, a_widgetSource = amotdatewidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 7, a_widgetSource = amotsymbolwidget.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 8, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_FollowerCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 9, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_EssentialCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 10, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_SpeedCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 11, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_HotkeyCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 12, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_ArrowCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 13, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_BountyCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 14, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_SkillCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 15, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_WeightCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 16, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_GoldCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 17, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_HorseCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 18, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_AttributeCount.swf) loadWidget(a_widgetID = 19, a_widgetSource = WM/WM_LockpickCount.swf) AMOT now switching to symbol skydial AMOT now switching to symbol skydial AMOT now switching to symbol PictureOfTheDay AMOT now switching to symbol SkyDial save name is Quicksave0_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_Tamriel_000859_20220921074112_7_1 full save path: C:\Users\Sakha\OneDrive\Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\Saves\\Quicksave0_32A856AC_0_46656F646F7468_Tamriel_000859_20220921074112_7_1.skse dispatch message (4) to plugin listeners sending message type 4 to plugin 2 sending message type 4 to plugin 3 sending message type 4 to plugin 5 sending message type 4 to plugin 6 sending message type 4 to plugin 7 sending message type 4 to plugin 10 sending message type 4 to plugin 11 sending message type 4 to plugin 13 sending message type 4 to plugin 14 sending message type 4 to plugin 18 sending message type 4 to plugin 24 sending message type 4 to plugin 26 sending message type 4 to plugin 29 sending message type 4 to plugin 30 sending message type 4 to plugin 31 sending message type 4 to plugin 34 sending message type 4 to plugin 36 sending message type 4 to plugin 37 sending message type 4 to plugin 38 sending message type 4 to plugin 39 sending message type 4 to plugin 40 sending message type 4 to plugin 42 sending message type 4 to plugin 43 sending message type 4 to plugin 44 dispatched message. creating co-save Saving plugin list: [0] Skyrim.esm [1] Update.esm [2] Dawnguard.esm [3] HearthFires.esm [4] Dragonborn.esm [5] Requiem Records Fix.esp [6] Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp [7] Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm [FE:0] Lux - Master plugin.esm [FE:1] Lux - Resources.esp [FE:2] Lux Orbis - Master plugin.esm [8] Lux Via.esp [9] High Poly Head.esm [FE:3] Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl [10] RSkyrimChildren.esm [11] FISS.esp [12] ccBGSSSE001-Fish.esm [13] ccasvsse001-almsivi.esm [FE:4] TrueHUD.esl [FE:5] skymojibase.esl [14] SkyUI_SE.esp [15] SkyHUD.esp [16] UIExtensions.esp [17] Extended UI.esp [18] RaceMenu.esp [19] RaceMenuPlugin.esp [20] Skyrim Mixed Enhanced Physics - Force and Projectiles.esp [21] UnreadBooksGlow.esp [FE:6] AHZmoreHUDInventory.esp [22] Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp [23] tbmchrysamere.esp [24] UltimateCombat.esp [25] UltimateDragons.esp [26] DeadlyDragons.esp [27] hz_NonExploitableCrossbowReload.esp [28] Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp [29] Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp [30] AcquisitiveSoulGemMultithreaded.esp [31] Convenient Horses.esp [32] dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp [FE:7] Beards for High Poly Head.esp [33] CommunityOverlays3.esp [FE:8] Vanilla Hair Replacer - VHR.esp [FE:9] KSHairdosSMP.esp [FE:10] Galactic eyes.esp [34] Angelic_Demonic.esp [35] HORNY.esp [36] NK_HornSlider.esp [37] Obsidian Weathers.esp [FE:11] Obsidian Weathers MCM.esp [FE:12] AncientLand2.esp [FE:13] Interesting Roads.esp [FE:14] BentPines.esp [38] Blubbos_deity_tree_of_kynareth.esp [39] Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp [40] Landscape Fixes For Grass Mods.esp [FE:15] man_HermaeusMora.esp [FE:16] man_Hircine.esp [FE:17] man_MephalaShrine.esp [FE:18] man_molagBalShrine.esp [FE:19] man_PeryiteShrine.esp [FE:20] man_sanguineShrine.esp [FE:21] man_sheogorathShrine.esp [FE:22] Blue Palace Frescoes.esp [FE:23] WinterholdBridgeRepaired.esp [41] Requiem.esp [42] SC_HorseReplacer.esp [43] zzzSXP.esp [44] RFAB_AE.esp [45] Umbra RFAB Edition.esp [46] RSChildren.esp [47] S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp [FE:24] Remove Hanging Moss From Trees.esp [48] Cloaks&Capes SMP.esp [49] RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted.esp [50] Rudy Nordic Pottery SSE.esp [FE:25] Bears of the North.esp [51] Cathedral Dynamic Snow.esp [52] Water for ENB.esp [53] Embers XD.esp [54] Lux.esp [FE:26] Lux - Whitestrake's patch.esp [FE:27] Lux - Live Another Life patch.esp [FE:28] Lux - USSEP patch.esp [FE:29] Lux Via - plugin.esp [55] Lux Orbis.esp [FE:30] Lux Orbis - Whitestrake's patch.esp [FE:31] Lux Orbis - Alternate Start patch.esp [FE:32] Lux Orbis - USSEP patch.esp [FE:33] Lux Orbis - Whiterun Horses patch.esp [56] WFE - Lux patch.esp [57] AltStartCampFireFix(Whitestrake GP).esp [58] FranklyHDImperialArmorsAndWeapons.esp [59] Requiem for the Indifferent.esp [60] SkyrimOutfitSystem.esp [61] XPMSE.esp [62] FNIS.esp [63] ccBGSSSE001-Fish_RFAB_Patch.esp [64] ccasvsse001-almsivi_RFAB_Patch.esp [65] Chapter II - Soundtrack mod by Dreyma Music.esp [FE:34] Ragnarok.esp [66] TES_Master_Soundtrack.esp [67] AMatterOfTime.esp [FE:35] MCMHelper.esp [68] WM_WidgetMod.esp [69] AHZmoreHUD.esp [FE:36] BetterThirdPersonSelection.esp [70] LoreLoadScreen.esp [FE:37] skymoji.esp [71] PerksMenu.esp [72] PerksForBlood.esp [73] ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp [74] Haem Projects Shalidor.esp Saving menu open/close event registrations... Saving key input event registrations... Saving control input event registrations... Saving mod callback event registrations... Saving crosshair ref event registrations... Saving camera event registrations... Saving actor action event registrations... Saving NiNode update event registrations... Saving SKSEPersistentObjectStorage data... Saving SKSEDelayFunctorManager data... cleared save path